Webcasts & Webinars
We practice what we preach. The use of technology, with proper design and opportunities for interaction, can allow your organization to provide more for your training dollars. It can also allow your employees to be more productive while they learn, saving time and money spent traveling for important training events.
March 7, 2023 Data Reporting Webinar
NC-SARA Annual Data Reporting Release: Distance Education by the Numbers
This webinar shared the findings of the latest NC-SARA Annual Data Report, which represents data collected from 2,364 SARA-participating institutions: Fall 2022 exclusively distance education enrollment (EDEE) and calendar year out-of-state learning placements (OOSLP). Terri co-presented with Dr. Marianne Boeke, President of NC-SARA and Dr. Rachel Christeson, Director for Research and Data Analysis, NC-SARA. The webcast originally aired on October 10, 2023.
NC-SARA 2023 Data Reporting Webinar: Exclusively Distance Education Enrollment & Out-of-State Learning Placements in 2022
This webinar provides the guidelines for data reporting to NC-SARA as well as explaining why data is collected and reported each year. The presentation reviews details of the online data reporting forms, with an emphasis on Out-of-State Learning Placements (OOSLP). Terri co-presented with Dr. Marianne Boeke, Vice President for Policy Research and State Partnerships, and Dr. Rachel Christesen, Director of Research. The webcast originally aired on March 7, 2023.
Links to 2023 NC-SARA Annual Data Reporting Webinar Slides.
Fortune 100 Client: Leading Strategically Webinar
As follow up to a two-day seminar on Leading Strategically, we created engaging webinars to answer questions 6-8 weeks after the initial training. This allowed the learners time to try out the strategy tools we’d provided and then ask questions and get feedback on their team’s results in real time. The webinars gave ample time for learners to hear from the facilitator as well as share ideas with their colleagues on different functional teams across the organization. Terri produced multiple webinars in 2014 for this Action Leadership Group engagement.
Distance Education Enrollment Trends: New Data, New Trends, New Partnership
This WCET webcast covered the newest trends in distance education enrollment by sector, by undergraduate/graduate level, growth over time and more. The data analyzed were the U.S. Department of Education 2015 IPEDS distance education data. Terri served as the moderator for this webcast. April 19, 2017.